Stories of Impact

Known Stories

Helping Neighbors and Class Participants Feel Known

Below are examples of neighbors and class participants feeling known. 

Helping neighbors feel known

Pam* contacted Love INC seeking help with diapers. As she spoke with our volunteer, she shared that she had recently escaped an unsafe relationship.

During our intake process, we ask people to give us a reference person. Pam was reluctant to provide this because she didn’t believe she had anyone she could trust. She was afraid to be known.

Eventually, she gave us the name of a coworker, Amy*, saying that Amy was the “only person she could possibly think of trusting.”

When we called Amy, we discovered she cared about Pam and helped her with transportation to pick up diapers and other items at churches.

A few weeks later, Pam sent us a text message with a picture of her toddler, thanking us for “all of the help. It was a true blessing.”

Pam learned she could be known.

*For privacy purposes, all names have been changed.

Helping class participants feel known
Below is an interview with a class participant.


How did you hear about the Restoring Hope classes? I first heard about the classes at a presentation by Jolene at my church in 2022. I poked around on the LOVE INC website to find out more. I kind of forgot about them until a post on Facebook showed up in my feed.

What classes have you taken? I took Boundaries last spring. I had heard of Cloud and Townsend before, and actually bought the books. Unfortunately, I never actually read them. I didn’t know they were Christians.

How did you see God use the classes to help you live a more abundant life? This is a very personal issue for me. As an individual that thrives on sharing kindness and spreading joy, the class helped me take a huge step which involves moving to create geographic distance from an extremely emotional toxic environment involving verbal abuse. The environment was so, so detrimental to my mental health. I have a mental health diagnosis. The ability to be open and honest with other class members and pray together was so important and impactful.

Who would you recommend take Boundaries? Anyone that falls into the general stereotypical category of introvert. Sadly, I think we are prey to people in our proximity that are living in denial and exhibit controlling, narcissistic behavior.