Volunteers are the heart of our ministry

Volunteer Informational Meeting

Learn about volunteer opportunities at Love in the Name of Christ (Love INC) of Greater Hillsboro at a Volunteer Informational Meeting.

Attend a Volunteer Informational Meeting

Next meeting: February 27, 2025, at 1 p.m.

Volunteer Opportunities

Check out the opportunities below to get an idea of the many ways in which you can serve. Then sign up for one of our Volunteer Informational Meetings. These meetings are a time for you to discover ways you can get involved and volunteer with Love INC for as little as three hours a week on a Tuesday or Thursday. Sign up for an Volunteer Informational Meeting or give us a call at 503.917.0205.


The Clearinghouse, or call center, is the first opportunity we have to begin connecting churches relationally with neighbors in need.
Volunteers help by …

Listening compassionately to our neighbors and learning their story

Connecting neighbors to resources such as food, clothing, furniture, diapers, transportation and more

Offering ongoing support through check in calls, sharing of additional resources and prayer


The Love INC marketing team is all volunteer and opportunities can be built around individual schedules and interests.
Volunteers have …
Marketing or graphic design 

Expertise in social media such as Instagram and Facebook

Creative muscles to use in a flexible and fun environment

Restoring Hope

Restoring Hope Classes provide participants skills and understanding necessary to transform their lives while also building significant relationships.
Volunteers help by …

Preparing or coordinating preparation for a meal one Thursday

Providing child care during class sessions

Coaching or mentoring neighbors

People-centered, engaging volunteers to lead discussion groups

Bi-Lingual Volunteers

The Clearinghouse, or call center, often receives calls from neighbors who do not speak English or whose second language is English.
Bi-Lingual Volunteers help by …

Listening compassionately to our Spanish speaking neighbors and learning their story

Board Members

Love INC Board Members are committed, spiritually mature Christians who have a desire to help others in Jesus name.
Board Members have …

A passion to follow Christ

Confidence in God as they obediently depend on Him